- 2017.07.19
- Notice of Summer Holidays
- 2017.06.05
- KUAC Cinemateque 1: Video is a Toy! VIC#1
- 2017.05.19
- The 2nd Edition of the Kanagawa Muslim Friendly Restaurant Guidebook has been released!
- 2017.05.18
- Daito Manabe Presents at the 2017 Academic Year Kickoff Lecture at SFC.
- 2017.05.01
- Kite flying event held as part of the courses in the Faculty of Policy Management and Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
- 2017.04.04
- "S-face" vol.20 takes up Associate Professor Tatsuma Wada, Faculty of Policy Management.
- 2017.04.03
- Professor Tony Chan, President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to Give Talk Titled "HKUST, Rising Asia and Global Impact"
- 2017.03.17
- "S-face" vol.19 takes up Associate Professor Shoko Miyagawa, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care.
- 2017.03.08
- Plans to Rebuild Hiyoshi Commemorative Hall
- 2017.03.07
- "S-face" vol.18 takes up Assistant Professor Shinya Fujii, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
- 2017.02.28
- 【Deadline Reminder】【The Keio Medical Science Prize 2017】Call for Nominations
- 2017.02.15
- Symposium on the Comparative Legal Education in Japan and Mekong region countries
- 2017.02.02
- "S-face" vol.17 takes up Associate Professor Takuya Onishi, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
- 2017.01.31
- NHK World Televises "TOKYO EYE on Campus: Keio University"
- 2017.01.31
- 【The Keio Medical Science Prize 2017】Call for Nominations
- 2017.01.31
- Keio Longevity Initiative Seminar Series Successful Brain Aging and Longevity
- 2017.01.13
- Avalanching! Avalanche ―― Introduction to the Archives XV
- 2017.01.11
- Admission Web Entry is Now Open
- 2017.01.06
- "Keio Astrobiology Camp 2017" @ Tsuruoka Town Campus of Keio (Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University)
- 2016.12.27
- Notice of Winter Holidays
- 2016.12.27
- SFC Open Research Forum (ORF) 2016
- 2016.11.28
- 2016.11.22
- Keio Global Research Institute Inaugural Symposium
- 2016.10.26
- YouTube Live Information Session on GIGA Program! (Dec 7th)
- 2016.10.21
- IE KMD Venture Day Tokyo 2016(11/26 at Mita Campus)
- 2016.10.13
- The 15th Korea-Japan Millennium Forum "Common Challenges and Opportunities: How can Leading Private Universities in Korea and Japan Contribute to the Sustainability of Global Society through Innovations?"(10/26 at Mita Campus)
- 2016.10.06
- 2016.09.28
- Application Guidebook for September 2017 Admissions for Overseas Students (GIGA Program) Now Available
- 2016.09.16
- "S-face" vol.14 takes up Associate Professor Daijiro Mizuno, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
- 2016.09.13
- The Keio Medical Science Prize 2016 Announcemets (Award Ceremony: December 1)
- 2016.09.05
- "S-face" vol.13 takes up Professor Yoko Hirose, Faculty of Policy Management
- 2016.08.09
- Special Lectures were held by Professor Nagahara at MIT and Professor Schmidt at KU Leuven
- 2016.08.02
- *April 2017* Launch of the Keio University Law School LL.M. in Global Legal Practice (this program is currently in the application process for approval by MEXT)
- 2016.07.21
- "Joint Symposium on Regenerative Medicine and Longevity" (Keio Longevity Initiative Symposium) by Washington University in St. Louis and Keio University
- 2016.07.19
- "S-face" vol.12 takes up Associate Professor Hiroki Kuroda, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
- 2016.07.15
- Briefing Session for 2016 Fall RA Recruiting of the All-round Leading Graduate School Program
- 2016.07.07
- The 3rd Keio Creativity Initiative Symposium for the Top Global University Project「TGU Symposium on Smart Connected Cities」(July 25 at Hiyoshi Campus)
- 2016.07.05
- "S-face" vol.11 takes up Professor Ikumi Waragai, Faculty of Policy Management
- 2016.06.29
- Lecture & Concert Piano Concertos for Virtuosi(July 9 at Mita Campus)
- 2016.06.15
- University Launches New Official Website